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Emotional Freedom Technique(s) (EFT)
Reiki & Deep Relaxation
Integrated Energy Therapy
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Self-Hypnosis Training
Relaxation Skills Training
Meditation & Mindfulness Training

Emotional Freedom Technique(s) (EFT)

Also known as Energy Meridian Therapy or Energy Psychology (and sometimes described as a kind of “Emotional Acupuncture”), this sophisticated therapy recognises the links between emotions, thought processes, energy flows in the body, and physical and mental health. EFT involves activation of specific energy points and meridians (by gentle tapping on acupressure points with the fingers), combined with modern psychological techniques, to help release and clear emotional blocks or issues (eg. negative mental conditioning, sources of inferiority, negative emotions such as guilt or fear, emotional “baggage”, hang-ups, traumas, anxieties) and other triggers of stress that prevent us from living and enjoying life to the full. Since many physical health problems are also linked to underlying emotional issues or stress, EFT may help alleviate these too.
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Reiki & Deep Relaxation

Reiki is a light-touch therapy that works with the body’s energy field to relax, re-energise and stimulate the body’s own self-healing processes. Deep relaxation (the “relaxation response” – described back in the 1970s by Dr H Benson and colleagues of Harvard Medical School) is a scientifically recognised physiological state different from sleep, meditation or hypnosis, in which the mind and emotions are stilled and the body is able to release tension and allow innate healing processes to become active. Reiki and deep relaxation therefore complement each other perfectly. During a therapy session, you are guided into a comfortable and deeply relaxed state via relaxation techniques and guided imagery. The therapist then moves around your body sensing your energy and using light touch where appropriate to guide and balance the healing process. A gentle and subtle therapeutic approach, Reiki with deep relaxation may facilitate healing on physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels, improve energy levels, support and strengthen the immune system, help manage and reduce stress, and support recovery after illness.
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Integrated Energy Therapy

A comprehensive, multi-modal approach to natural healing which recognises that there may be several components involved in “dis-ease”, including stress/tension and anxiety; negative mental/emotional issues and conditioning; and disruption and blocks in the subtle energy of the body/mind. This integrated approach therefore incorporates the following: 1) Stress reduction and relaxation; 2) EFT/emotional therapy and/or cognitive-behavioural hypnotherapy; and 3) Reiki/energy healing. If appropriate, other therapies and techniques (eg. techniques drawn from hatha yoga, stress management techniques, mind-body therapies) may also be offered or recommended.

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Self-Hypnosis Training

Learning how to induce self-hypnosis enables you to use this for your own self-therapy. Practising self-hypnotic skills and self-hypnosis enables you to respond more easily and effectively to hypnotherapeutic suggestions, and helps reinforce and consolidate the therapeutic benefits of hypnotherapy sessions.
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Relaxation Skills Training

The experience of deep relaxation is beneficial not only for the almost immediate feeling of enhanced wellbeing and the proven health benefits to body and mind, but it also begins a process whereby you experience (possibly for the very first time) the “relaxation response”, which is actually a very natural state that has become all but lost in our present day lives. The more often you experience this state, the more it becomes a natural habit for your body and mind, and the more and more easily you will be able to elicit it – a continuing spiral of positive wellbeing! (Deep relaxation can also enhance the effect of other therapeutic techniques that are used simultaneously, as the body/mind enters a state that is more responsive to healing.)

The aims of relaxation skills training are to help you fully experience deep relaxation (the “relaxation response”), learn how to elicit relaxation consciously and under your own control, and then be able to apply this skill in “real-world” situations that in the past have been sources of anxiety or stress, in order to counteract and overcome these habitual negative experiences.

The training therefore involves a number of stages, as follows:

1) Tension Control/Release
(eg. using Yoga-based relaxation or Progressive muscle relaxation)
Learning to release and let go of tension from individual muscle groups and areas of the body.
2) Differential Relaxation
Learning to relax those muscles and parts of the body that are not specifically needed for the task at hand.
3) Cue-Controlled Relaxation
Learning to relax at will using a learned (“conditioned”) cue, such as a word (eg. “peace”) or a physical gesture (eg. pressing tip of first finger to tip of thumb).
4) Mental Rehearsal of Applied Relaxation
Mentally visualising (imagining) and rehearsing your use of cue-controlled relaxation in typically anxiety- or stress-provoking situations.
5) Applied Relaxation “In Vivo”
Practising using cue-controlled relaxation in real-life typically anxiety- or stress-provoking situations.
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Meditation & Mindfulness Training

Experience and practice of a range of techniques for stilling the mind and increasing self-awareness. For stress reduction, improved concentration, enhanced physical, mental and emotional health, positive wellbeing and personal development. Practices may include relaxation techniques, breathing techniques (pranayama), imagery, concentration techniques, energy awareness, mantras, mindfulness techniques, affirmations, self-healing practices and guided meditation exercises.